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Leveraging Relationships to Serve the Most Vulnerable

A Critical Moment We are facing a critical moment in the global COVID-19 crisis. While many parts of the U.S. are reopening, the crisis continues to unfold in Africa and other parts of the developing world. While official case numbers remain modest in many countries (due, in part, to limited testing capacity) the severe effects…

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In Celebration of Resilience

In my work at World Relief, I am constantly reminded of the strength and resilience found in people who have faced great hardship to not only come to the United States, but also to rebuild their lives here. Now, with a worldwide health crisis and a national reckoning of racial injustice, many refugees and immigrants…

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It Takes a Village

It was 3 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon when we got the call. A woman in the Congolese community had contracted COVID-19 — the first of what would turn out to be many cases for the Congolese living in the Quad Cities area. My mind raced with questions as we worked to determine the best…

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Voices from the Field: COVID-19

Over the last several months, our International Country Directors have recorded video messages to update us on how things are going for their teams and beneficiaries and to encourage those of us living in the U.S. In times like these, we are grateful for technology that keeps us connected as we weather this pandemic together. …

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Love Disrupts: Rodney’s Story

“We are enamored with a gospel that comforts us, but we are rarely drawn to a gospel that disrupts us.”– Eugene Cho, Thou Shall Not Be a Jerk Rodney is a husband and a father. He goes to church and home-schools his kids. He loves God and loves others, but when it came to immigration,…

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World Relief Responds: Cambodia

“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and your rampart.”— Psalm 91:2 & 4 Unexpected Visitors Take a walk around the Stoung…

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All In This Together

Over the last few weeks, our world, our organization and the communities in which we serve have experienced rapid amounts of change. Like many of you, my colleagues and I have shifted to working from home for the foreseeable future, and our 16 offices across the U.S. have closed their physical locations. As our teams…

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Love in Action: Volunteering with Outreach Groups in Haiti

This week, our World Relief U.S. offices have been celebrating Volunteer Appreciation Week by sharing stories and celebrations in honor of all the volunteers who serve with us across the United States. Today, we’re expanding that celebration by highlighting one of the many volunteers who serve with us globally.  Recently, World Relief Haiti’s Esther Pyram…

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A Spirit of Welcome: Volunteering at the Northwest Detention Center RV

Earlier this year, before COVID-19 transformed the ways in which we work and travel, I had the privilege of visiting World Relief’s office in Seattle. The energy in the Seattle office is incredible. English classes, job coaching, meetings with newly arrived families, immigration legal services — the list goes on. One of the most meaningful…

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