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10 Ways We’re Bringing Hope, Healing and Transformation in 2022

10 Ways We’re Bringing Hope, Healing and Transformation in 2022

Across the globe, extreme poverty and mass displacement are on the rise, aggravated by the ongoing COVID pandemic. We’re currently facing the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time. And yet, there is hope. God is moving, and you’re invited to move too. Together, we’re bringing hope, healing and transformation to 2022.  As Myal Greene, World…

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Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

Resettled: One Woman’s Journey Beyond Rebuilding

As the number of refugees arriving in the U.S. continues to increase in the coming months, we invite you to partner with us as we welcome them. Today, we’re excited to give you a glimpse at the lasting change that can happen when we move together. A Crossing of Paths At World Relief, we’re honored…

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Share the Gift Pt. 2: Paying it Forward to Empower Women in Turkana

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. We invite you to share-the-gift by paying it forward alongside women in Turkana County.  Earlier this month you heard about a powerful share-the-gift project in Karebur Village, Turkana. 500 miles north, in Kachoba Village, another share-the-gift project is also taking root.  This time, it’s combating malnutrition while empowering women to take…

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The Price of our Daughters

The Price of our Daughters

Earlier this week, news broke of Parwana Malik, a 9-year-old girl sold for $2,200 to a 55-year old man in an Afghan displacement camp. The heartbreaking story is one of many coming out of Afghanistan this week, as families struggle to survive since the Taliban took control of the nation. Many of us were shocked…

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Girls: Change Makers and World Shapers

“Girls are one of the most powerful forces for change in the world: When their rights are recognized, their needs are met and their voices are heard, they drive positive change in their families, their communities and the world.” – Kathy Calvin, United Nations Foundation President & CEO If you empower a girl, you empower…

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Sanctions Against Ethiopia are Not the Answer

Sanctions Against Ethiopia are Not the Answer

Over the last two weeks, the news cycle has been inundated with reports, stories and updates on events unfolding in Haiti and Afghanistan. While our teams on the ground in Haiti continue to respond with emergency assistance, and our local U.S. offices prepare to welcome new Afghan neighbors, we don’t want to forget the other…

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4 Things You May Not Know About COVID-19 and Why You Should Care

4 Things You May Not Know About COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our daily lives and the Delta variant creates new uncertainties, many of us are feeling weary. Experts have a term for this: pandemic fatigue. Pandemic fatigue can cause us to feel disengaged and even hopeless. We may even begin to ask ourselves, “Why should I care about COVID-19?”…

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World Relief DR Congo is Building Resilience from Ashes

World Relief Congo is Building Resilience from Ashes

The Eruption On May 22nd in the town of Goma, DR Congo, Mount Nyiragongo lit up the sky with a red glow. Many of the 2 million residents recognized the signs and feared the worst —  the towering volcano was once again active. By early evening, their fears were confirmed when the volcano began to…

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