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Abe Ibrahim Helps Refugees Feel More at Home

Abe Ibrahim Helps Refugees Feel More at Home

Mbanzamihigo “Abe” Ibrahim is helping people feel at home. Born in a Tanzanian refugee camp and resettled in the U.S. at the age of 10, Abe is no stranger to feeling out of place.  A Burundian, Abe remembers his first days in the U.S. when, suddenly, everything from music to food to language was different.…

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Steve Moore, Board Chair, Sees a Bright Future for World Relief

As World Relief prepares to announce our new President and CEO, we thought you might like to learn more about some of the people who are playing a critical role in the transition process. Today, we are sharing an interview we conducted with Steve Moore who chairs World Relief’s Board of Directors. We hope you…

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Citizenship Classes are Rooted in Community

 “I would say for myself personally, I would not have passed this interview prior to studying or teaching this class,” Habie Timbo said, speaking to the challenges her students face in the process to become U.S. citizens. While most of her time at World Relief Quad Cities is dedicated to her role as a caseworker…

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Suad Yusuf is Making Positive Change in West Darfur

Suad Yusuf is Making Positive Change in West Darfur

Suad Yusuf Ibrahim is a Nutrition Coordinator in West Darfur, Sudan, working with internally displaced people *(IDP) in an IDP camp. When a humanitarian crisis erupted in the great Darfur region in 2004, World Relief Sudan responded to the immediate and long-term needs of vulnerable IDPs and hosting communities. Suad joined the work just a…

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Get to Know Our Staff: DR Congo

Get to Know Our Staff DR Congo

Liliane Maombi is a passionate leader with 17 years of experience working in the sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) health field in the Goma region of DR Congo. She holds degrees in nursing and reproductive health with a specialization in midwifery, and she cares deeply about coming alongside women as they heal.  Today, Liliane serves…

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Get to Know Our Staff: Haiti

In 2021, we’re giving you the inside scoop on the work World Relief is doing in communities around the world through a new series called, Get to Know Our Staff.  Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Esther Pyram, World Relief Haiti’s Integral Mission and Church Empowerment Zone Manager. Esther is a writer, a wife,…

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Everything You Need to Know About Unaccompanied Minors at the Border Part 1

A Conversation with Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang This week, we’re seeing news reports of another “crisis” at the U.S.-Mexico border, particularly related to children, or ‘unaccompanied minors.’ What’s actually happening? What should be happening? And what can followers of Jesus who care about vulnerable children do? Here, World Relief’s President, Scott Arbeiter, sits down…

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