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Made for Change

Made for Change

Change isn’t easy.  I can’t even begin to count how many times we’ve said that phrase over the last eight months at World Relief. When I think back to March, when our offices across the globe began closing their doors due to shelter-in-place orders, it feels like another lifetime entirely.  Like many of you, we…

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The Path to Lasting Change

Change isn’t easy, and it isn’t fast. Change shows up day after day, month after month, year after year. The path to change requires faithfulness, consistency and a commitment to going the distance — no matter how far or how long it takes.  I remember the day our team pulled up to the abandoned factory…

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Five Ways You Can Stand With Dreamers

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion that – for the moment, at least – keeps Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) alive. While the decision was consistent with what World Relief has advocated for many years, I confess that to me, it came as a very happy surprise. I had been dreading…

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World Refugee Day 2020

June was first declared as World Refugee Awareness Month in 2001 culminating in World Refugee Day June 20th. Since then, June has been a time to acknowledge strength, courage, perseverance and resilience of millions of past and present refugees who live around the globe, including here in Memphis!  Refugees are men, women, children who have…

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An Invitation to Reflection

Last week, our U.S. staff gathered together for a time of prayer and lament for the life of George Floyd and the many others who have lost their lives due to systemic racism this year. World Relief’s Karen Gonzalez led our team through a devotional on the Emmaus Road and challenged us all to be…

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Asylum Program |Programa de Asilo

What is World Relief’s Asylum Program? | ¿Que es el Programa de Asilo? ​ World Relief Memphis offers the following support programs to individuals and families granted asylum into the United States.  World Relief Memphis ofrece los siguientes programas de apoyo a individuos y familiares que han obtenido el estatus de asilo en los Estados Unidos. Employment…

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Love Remains: Devotional Series

In times like this, when fear and uncertainty threaten to overwhelm us, it’s helpful to take a step back and ground ourselves in the truth of who we are and whose we are. The gospel message we celebrate at Easter is one of absolute, unconditional love. You are more deeply loved by God than you…

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Each for Equal

In honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Karen Gonzales, World Relief’s Director of Human Resources, has written an e-book that shines a light on women’s stories in the Bible and why women’s theological perspectives matter.

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A Season of Lasting Change

A thousand years before Christ was born, the Israelite elders approached the prophet Samuel and asked him to appoint them a king. They saw a king as the solution to all of their problems as a nation.

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