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World Relief Calls for ‘21 Days of Peace’ in Lead Up to United Nations’ International Day of Peace on September 21

Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief is calling the church to personal reflection in the lead up to the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on September 21. On September 1, World Relief released the first of three weekly guides titled, 21 Days of Peace, a resource for personal reflection centered on the idea of peace and the power it has to change hearts, communities and ultimately, the world.

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When a Refugee Child’s Education Stops

While living in the south Asian country of Bhutan, Pabi’s family was forced to flee their home due to political and ethnic persecution. At a young age, Pabi became a refugee. And like many refugee children, Pabi’s education risked coming to a halt. When her family fled to nearby Nepal, Pabi received some education, but…

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When Refugees Go Back to School (Q&A)

Children across the U.S. are returning to school. Recently resettled refugees will be among those children. Tabitha McDuffee, Communications Coordinator for World Relief Dupage/Aurora (WRDA) sat down with both Malita Gardner, Children & Youth Program Manager at WRDA, and Deborah, a former refugee from Southeast Asia and staff member at WRDA, to discuss what the…

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An Especially Hard Sunday Morning

It’s a known reality that Sunday mornings are an ‘experience’ for young families. Getting everyone up, ready, and out the door for church provides numerous joys and challenges. For me, this Sunday morning was particularly challenging. On one hand, it was full of joy. My two-year-old daughter had spent her first night in the ‘big…

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“I will not forget you, God has placed you in my heart.”

Some time ago I spent a week in a Middle Eastern country visiting with Syrian refugees. Day after day on that trip, I sat on concrete floors in crumbling urban apartments with Syrian women and their children. Each time I looked into the women’s faces, their empty eyes told the silent stories of losses and…

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