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Mr. Osman, a Peacemaker in Sudan

Mohamed Hasaballa Osman is a community leader and chairman of the Peace and Reconciliation Committee (PRC) for UmTagouk in Darfur, Sudan. Many who live in this region are nomads and farmers. Water, which is used for cleaning, cooking, drinking and tending crops and livestock, is scarce and difficult to access due to the arid climate.…

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Empowered to Empower – Consolee’s Story

Consolee is 37 years old, married and a mother of two sons. Like many vulnerable people in Rwanda, she and her family did not realize the importance of integrating vegetables into their diet or using mosquito nets to prevent the spreading of disease. Empowered, educated and trained local care group volunteers visited Consolee in her…

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World Humanitarian Day – A Humanitarian Church

At World Relief, church leaders are our humanitarian heroes. On World Humanitarian Day, we’re celebrating pastors and other leaders who are committed to making a lasting difference through the local church. In Rwanda, church leaders are owning initiatives to fight HIV/AIDS in their communities. World Relief empowers local churches by holding workshops and training seminars…

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Cell Churches in Cambodia – Sarith’s Story

Sarith is a farmer living in a small house in Cambodia. He became an actor when he was young and traveled all around Cambodia for performances. While he traveled, he engaged in risky behaviors and did not understand the consequences of his actions. In 1997, Sarith got married and had two children. He continued to…

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A friendship that brought life

Proverbs 17:17 says,”A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” World Relief empowers the local Church in Mozambique to serve the most vulnerable by training community health workers to provide in-home care for the marginalized. Often, these volunteers provide lasting friendship to the people they serve, meeting…

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Addressing HIV in India means strengthening marriages

In India, we are empowering the local Church to transform marriages, protect families, care for those living with HIV/AIDS and prevent HIV/AIDS. All of this is done by addressing the root causes of HIV/AIDS – broken relationships. Our Families For Life curriculum, taught by the local Church, reinforces the importance of commitment, faithfulness and communication…

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Women must be leaders of peace-building in West Darfur

World Relief deeply believes that sustainable peace-building without involvement of women is impossible. In Sudan, particularly West Darfur, deeply rooted socio-cultural issues prevent women from being involved in many decision-making processes. Usually, women assume lower positions in the community and their voices are neglected. However, women constitute a large proportion of the society and are…

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When the Church in DR Congo serves the most vulnerable

In the DR Congo, we want to empower church leaders to bring sustainable transformation to their own communities. We are seeing pastors and church leaders, including women leaders, from different tribes and denominations come together to serve the most vulnerable. Additionally, community-based care groups called Compassion Groups are forming within local Churches to assess and meet the…

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Why are #MomAndBaby fine? Alexia knows.

If anyone knows what it means to walk alongside #MomAndBaby to promote healthy living and reduce mortality rates in children under 5, it’s Alexia. She is 40 years old and a mother of five children. She and her husband, Joseph, are farmers in Burundi. Five years ago, Alexia joined a World Relief-initiated Care Group, where…

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