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One College Student’s Experience of Walking with Refugees

When Covenant College junior Megan Wetselaar signed up to participate in World Relief Atlanta’s Walk in My Shoes program during spring break, she wasn’t thinking about refugees; she was thinking about fulfilling a course requirement. When this volunteer opportunity presented itself, she reluctantly decided to pursue it.  She didn’t really know anything about refugees. She…

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Celebrating World Refugee Day: Serving Detainees in Seattle

In 2000, when cargo ships from Hong Kong docked in Seattle after a 16-day sail, stowaways were discovered inside of squalid containers within the holds of the ships. For more than two weeks, they hadn’t seen sunlight, breathed fresh air, or eaten more than a few bites of food. Some did not even survive the…

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Celebrating World Refugee Day: Michael & Awet’s Story

Eritrea is a small country in eastern Africa, bordering Ethiopia and Somalia. Ongoing violence, instability and oppression have forced millions of Eritreans, like Michael and Awet, to seek refuge in other countries. These men, arriving within 24 hours of one another, left their careers and families to start over completely in the United States. They…

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Refugee Resettlement: A Rich History

In 1975, World Relief was known throughout the world for its international relief and development efforts: its U.S. mission had yet to be realized. For twenty years, Grady and Evelyn Mangham had served in Vietnam with World Relief and the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) denomination as missionaries during the war. They returned to the United…

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Rwanda, 20 Years Later

World Relief President & CEO Stephan Bauman provides insight on the hope to be found in Rwanda, even in the midst of painful remembrance. World Relief: Rwanda 20 Years Later from World Relief on Vimeo. We believe that hope for lasting change in Rwanda lies within the church as it empowers the hidden heroes: individuals…

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Strengthening Families in India

Happy International Day of Families! One of the many ways we get to care for families around the world is through our Families for Life program in India. We empower local churches to serve their communities by strengthening marriages, protecting families, caring for those affected by AIDS and preventing the spread of HIV. Through couples-focused…

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Savings For Life in Kenya – James’ Story

World Relief empowers the local Church to establish savings groups in some of the world’s most vulnerable places. These groups meet regularly, sharing and loaning resources to one another in order to establish self-sufficiency. Eighty-six percent of savings group members are women, which is a beautiful statistic considering the particular vulnerability of women in impoverished…

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The Free Gift

As we prepare to celebrate the resurrection this Easter weekend, we pause to remember the enormous sacrifice Christ paid for us on the cross. He paid the highest price, his life, to save us from a life of hopelessness and despair. This free gift God generously bestowed upon the world is rooted in hope, grace, and…

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Rwanda, Full of Heroes

Twenty years ago this month, a systemic and insidious darkness took hold of Rwanda. Conflict arising from post-World War Western interests manifested itself in the genocidal slaughter of as many as 1 million people. The wound is healing, but it is also spreading, reaching across borders into sister nations Burundi and the Congo. Since 1995,…

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A Hero in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the second largest country in Africa, home to more than 70 million people and over 250 tribes and languages. It shares a border with eight countries, playing an essential role in the economic and social development across the continent. Its unique rainforest and river ecosystems, fertile grounds and…

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