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Statement Issued March 26, 2014

In light of recent events surrounding the hiring polices of faith-based organizations, World Relief has issued the following statement: Established as the humanitarian arm of the National Associations of Evangelicals in 1944, World Relief mobilizes local churches to serve the most vulnerable worldwide through core strategies such as economic development, community health, disaster relief, and…

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Empowering farmers in South Sudan: Jente’s story

Jente Sampson, vice-secretary of the BOIME farmers association, has been farming since 1994.  The group that she is part of is made up of 21 people (16 women and 5 men), and is led by the Curate of the Anglican Church where Jente worships. “This group started during the war,” said Jente. “The main purpose…

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Empowering Refugee Families in Washington

Sameer Qadoora has been a refugee since birth. As a child, his family fled violent conflict in present-day Israel and became citizens of Iraq. It was in Baghdad that he eventually met his wife, Hanan. In 2006, Sameer and Hanan were forced to flee when militants pursued Sameer for unknown reasons. With two children already,…

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(Malawi) Titus & Agnes

This is Mr. Titus and his wife, Agnes, both of whom live in Malawi with their four children. When Mr. Titus was tested positive for HIV over 10 years ago, he was terrified. “I could not participate in community events or even eat together with people who were not also HIV positive. I was frequently…

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(DR Congo) Dusabe’s Story

Dusabe Nsenga is a mother of 6 children and a farmer in DR Congo. She is a member of a Farmers’ Association, where she learns best practices for farming and marketing her produce. She has seen her Irish potato harvests grow dramatically since receiving training from World Relief staff. “I have food in my household…

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Happy International Women’s Day!

Today on International Women’s Day and every day, we are proud to empower vulnerable women around the world with opportunities, skills, resources and a strong sense of their inherent dignity and worth. Women are often marginalized in many ways, sometimes lacking access to the most basic services. We know that the women we serve possess…

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#Enditmovement: Meeting Survivors’ Needs In The U.S.

Why are we a part of #enditmovement? At World Relief we seek to empower the local Church to serve the most vulnerable, which inherently includes the oppressed and exploited. We work to prevent trafficking in high-risk cities in our Asia offices, but we also provide comprehensive services to survivors in our U.S. offices. We are excited…

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(India) Pastor Sahariah’s Story

This is Pastor Sahariah. He was from a non-Christian background when he met Christ and has been a pastor for the past nine years. After attending World Relief’s Families For Life training, which addresses faithfulness, communication and issues like HIV/AIDS, he and his wife realized that they could improve their marriage. “After attending the program,…

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(Cambodia) Chan Sokha’s Story

Chan Sokha (56) learned about World Relief in 2011. Workers came to her community in Cambodia with messages of health, HIV/AIDS & human trafficking prevention and the Gospel. She had grown up oppressive regimes and in a family wounded by the death of her father. “I was just so sad,” she said. “I did not…

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(Malawi) Jovita’s Story

Jovita lives in Malawi and is a mother of four children. She was widowed in 2004 when her husband was murdered. Some months after, she developed epilepsy. Once, this caused her to fall unconscious and lose many of her fingers in a fire. The home where she lived was in disepair and unsuitable for her…

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