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(India) Pastor Daniel’s Story

This is Pastor Daniel Jayachandran, a local pastor in India. He is pictured with his wife, Amutha and their three children. In 2012, he attended World Relief’s Families for Life training and was so moved by the message of healthy marriages that he appointed a new pastor over his church and moved to an unreached…

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Empowering the Local Church in Mozambique: Mrs. Cristina’s Story

The local Church is the best hope for transformation in Mozambique, where communities face deep spiritual and physical poverty. Life expectancy is 52.29 years because of the prevalence of diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. 52 percent of the population lives on less than $2 per day. Environmental stressors like droughts and floods exacerbate these…

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Ending Poverty Means Ending Violence

“Without an end to the violence that plagues so many in slums, labor camps, brothels, villages, and neighborhoods, our work to end extreme poverty, stop senseless disease among children, and create sustainable economic solutions could erode and even altogether unravel.” –Stephan Bauman, President & CEO of World Relief As World Relief empowers the local Church…

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Empowering Vulnerable Farmers in Turkana, Kenya

World Relief’s mission, “empowering the local church to serve the most vulnerable,” is multi-faceted because Jesus instructs his disciples to share the good news of the Kingdom and meet people’s physical needs (Matthew 10:7-8). For the most vulnerable in Kenya, there is great physical and spiritual poverty, and World Relief is responding.According to the USAID,…

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Empowering Family Farmers in Haiti

Derivaux Lesson is a young entrepreneur from Gressier, Haiti. He has a wife and a seven year-old son. Before the tragic earthquake of January 2010, he used to provide public transportation as a source of income, which allowed him to buy his own car and build houses for his family. But when he lost everything…

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Philippines: Whatever Happens, We Will Praise You, O Lord!

Five days had passed since super typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines. Pastor Erly of Harvest Church in Ormoc City decided to hold Sunday service despite the fact that his  own home was destroyed. The congregation gathered to worship in what remained of their church structure, which had been completely damaged. Only the stage remained, serving as…

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Hope for Syrian Refugees | Refugee Crisis

Women and children comprise three-quarters of the refugee population and they are a particularly vulnerable group with unique needs. Women and girls have limited access to social protection and services and are at risk for various prevalent forms of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV)

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Thankful for Refugee Resettlement Volunteers

With the arrival of Thanksgiving, World Relief is excited to celebrate in thankfulness the thousands of volunteers and hundreds of churches volunteering time and resources to assist with refugee resettlement in the United States. Over the past 35 years, World Relief’s U.S. offices have resettled over 250,000 refugees from more than 80 nations. For every…

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World Relief in Burundi: Maternal & Child Health

In Burundi, approximately 58 percent of children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition. Malnutrition is associated with serious medical issues later in life as well as lower education attainment, lower earnings and more prevalent violence. It is a result of poor nutritional practices, limited access to food, minimal dietary diversity and chronic…

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The Gift of Hearing Brings New Life to a Bhutanese Refugee Couple

Any refugee entering the United States faces significant obstacles. But for Nar and Dhan Maya Ghorsai, a Bhutanese couple resettled in Aurora, silence proved to be the greatest: deaf for most of their lives, Nar and Dhan were unable to learn English, form deep relationships or pursue success in their new community. However, on June…

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