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10 Reasons to Give Thanks Around the World

10 Reasons to Give Thanks Around the World

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of hope — to “know the hope to which [Jesus] has called [us]” (Eph. 1:18) and to “hold unswervingly” to it (Heb. 10:23). How, then, can we cultivate and embody hope even in the midst of the world’s suffering?  According to some experts, the answer…

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Giving Thanks – North Texas

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the ways the Lord has shown His faithfulness in our lives. Some of our North Texas staff reflect on what they are thankful for this season. I’m thankful for our Afghan refugees sharing their lives and stories with us. I have learned so much from their resilience…

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World Relief Quad Cities Announces Partnership With Quad City Symphony Orchestra to Celebrate Music Across Cultures

11/18/2022 CONTACT: Baylee Lakey 580-374-1734 QUAD CITIES (November 18, 2022) – World Relief Quad Cities (WRQC) announced today its partnership with Quad City Symphony Orchestra (QCSO) to present the musical programming series Masterworks III: Ode to Guitar on December 3, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. and December 4 at 2:00 p.m. at the Adler Theater.…

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10 years of World Relief Memphis: Hussam’s Story

Over the ten years World Relief Memphis has been in operation, we have had the privilege of serving hundreds of refugees, asylees, and other vulnerable immigrants. Over the past couple of months, we reached out to some of the first families and individuals we welcomed, to our newest arrivals. Hussam and his family’s story is…

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10 yrs of World Relief Memphis: QaQa and Josephine

Over the ten years World Relief Memphis has been in operation, we have had the privilege of serving hundreds of refugees, asylees, and other vulnerable immigrants. Over the past couple of months, we reached out to some of the first families and individuals we welcomed, to our newest arrivals. One of the first families we…

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10 years of World Relief Memphis: Valentyna’s Story

Over the ten years World Relief Memphis has been in operation, we have had the privilege of serving hundreds of refugees, asylees, and other vulnerable immigrants. Over the past couple of months, we reached out to some of the first families and individuals we welcomed, to our newest arrivals. As most of us are aware,…

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10 years of World Relief Memphis: David’s Story

Over the ten years World Relief Memphis has been in operation, we have had the privilege of serving hundreds of refugees, asylees, and other vulnerable immigrants. Over the past couple of months, we reached out to some of the first families and individuals we welcomed, to our newest arrivals. David and his family’s story is…

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Honoring our Immigrant Neighbors

For the Lord’s sake be subject to every human authority, whether to the emperor as supreme or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish. As servants…

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