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Leaving Ukraine: The Ochkur Family

The Ochkur Family – Slava, Iryna and three-year-old Olivia – had been working on their immigration to the United States from Ukraine for four years. Slava needed one last stamp on his documents, and then the airline tickets could be issued. They expected to get the call any day. Instead, on February 24, 2022, they…

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World Relief saved my life. Now, I’m giving back.

As a nonprofit organization, we talk a lot about donations and giving back here at World Relief Baltimore Immigrant Services Office. While part of how World Relief functions is through private and public grants, we could not do what we do without people like you: people who are on the path, investing in the community…

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The Long Road to Citizenship: Prince’s Story

Our Team at World Relief Baltimore Immigrant Services Office works daily to further our clients’ paths toward naturalization. This recent story from our sister office in North Carolina inspires us as we walk along the long road to citizenship with our Baltimore neighbors. Reflecting on September as the time of year that we celebrate citizenship…

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Finding Hope in “DACA” – Interview with Jazmin

Creating belonging happens in so many ways in Baltimore and cities across the United States where World Relief has Immigration Services, like this story from our sister office in Sacramento, CA.   Jazmin grew up believing she wouldn’t have the opportunity to graduate from college and start a full-time career. When she was a junior in…

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Giving Thanks

2022 has been a long year. Too often, it feels as though the crises are never-ending, leaving many of us sad, frustrated and confused. When feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to take a step back and remember the things that heal us. Here’s what our team is grateful for this year. I’m thankful for my girls’…

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What I’ll Remember: Interning at WRQC

Sloane wraps up her time by sharing what she’s learned during interning across multiple programs at World Relief Quad Cities. My time as an intern has come to an end. Only a short 300 hours later, I can cross off an internship experience that works towards my degree: Multimedia Journalism Mass Communication (MJMC). I’m thankful…

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Meeting with Rep. Miller-Meeks: A step towards the path to safety

WRQC intern Rubens Gonzales discusses his trip to meet Rep. Miller-Meeks and gives his perspective on the Afghan Adjustment Act. A legal path to safety Last month, I was lucky enough to be invited to attend a special meeting with WRQC and Representative Miller-Meeks to talk about the Afghan Adjustment Act that was recently introduced…

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Who Is World Relief Spokane?

World Relief Spokane is a refugee resettlement agency, working in connection with the local community, to create a welcoming space for people fleeing persecution and violence in their countries of origin. The Spokane office was started in 1992 by Linda Unseth, which means 2022 marks 30 years of resettlement work. In those 30 years, more…

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