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It’s The Right thing To Do

If each one of us reflects on our own stories, we can see God clearly leading and moving in our lives. As I reflect on my own story, I see that I started out focused solely on myself. But then I met the Holy Spirit, and God became real to me. I made a firm…

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Hope in the Tension of Waiting

Dear Church Leaders, The peace of Christ to you! Advent is in full swing—and Christmas is around the corner. What feelings does this season stir in you and your congregation—excitement, sorrow, joy, stress? Rhythms change a bit this time of year, freeing many of us up to gather with loved ones. Personally, I am really…

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Resiliency & Hope in the Midst of Persecution

Fleeing Persecution in Cambodia When Sithy and his wife, Saobot, arrived in the United States in March of 2022, he was not sure what his life would look like. He had been rejected, persecuted, and imprisoned for his political affiliation in Cambodia.  Both Sithy and Saobot’s siblings and other family members remain in Cambodia. While…

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Christmas in a Myanmar Village

Christmas traditions vary across the globe. In Tanzania, families attend church, then come together over a meal of fufu, rice, and goat or cow. In Myanmar, Christmas is celebrated throughout December as a holy month. And in the U.S., sometimes we don’t get to celebrate as long as we’d like. Here, Hanna Niang shares her…

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Refugee Employees Celebrate 10 Years at XPAC

“Where am I going to find work?” is a question that weighs heavy in the minds of refugee arrivals. Over the last 10 years, XPAC has led hundreds to gain peace of mind and self-sufficiency through employment.   The decision to become an employment partner with World Relief Quad Cities came in 2011. “The relationship…

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Healing For the Nations

Hope, peace, love, & joy. The Advent season is a time for us to hold these things in the tension in which we find ourselves. Christ has come and Christ will come again. Scripture provides vivid pictures of how God’s goodness and life is all around us at every moment. He also promises us a…

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Worth the Wait: Newlywed Refugees Love Remains

Worth the Wait: A Story of Faith, Perseverance and Love, Despite the Odds

For seven years, Congolese refugees (and newlyweds!), Mbimbi and Goreth, didn’t know if they would ever see each other again. Separated by continents, Mbimbi was stuck in Burundi while Goreth resettled and began her new life in America. In spite of the long wait, the two of them never lost hope, their love growing by…

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