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Can the Church Change the World for Good?

World change church: People entering a church.

In late January, 2025, government policy changes were rolled out at breakneck speed, shocking the humanitarian and development community and impacting millions experiencing vulnerability around the world. At World Relief, we experienced this first-hand. Promised funding for nearly 4,000 newly-arrived refugees in the U.S. under our care was stopped, abruptly and unexpectedly. Beyond the U.S.,…

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Take Comfort, Choose Courage

“A church in search of the vulnerable and isolated is an irresistible force for good and a worthy witness to the grace of God.” -Scott Arbeiter, Christianity Today Two months ago, very few of us were familiar with the term coronavirus, and even fewer of us had heard the more specific term, COVID-19. For those…

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World Relief’s Response to COVID-19

The World Health Organization has now officially recognized the COVID-19 crisis as a pandemic, with more than 170,000 individuals already known to be affected throughout the world, and experts anticipate the numbers will continue to rise. At World Relief, our desire and the core of our mission is to walk with and serve those in…

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Fear, Faith and the Force of the Church

It’s easy to feel anxious and fearful of what the future holds as the global COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty loom large – for ourselves, our families, our World Relief community and those we serve in some of the most vulnerable regions around the world. Yet, we find comfort in knowing God is faithful, good…

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Renewed Hope: An Interview with Pastor Orr

Pastor Orr is the Senior Pastor at Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. In July 2019, he traveled to Rwanda with a group of pastors to learn from World Relief’s peacebuilding and racial reconciliation efforts in Rwanda.  Q: Tell us about your trip. How did it compare to your expectations? I’ve always been impressed…

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The Church in Congo

By James Misner and Marcel Serubungo In the Democratic Republic of Congo, some say that you can find all of Africa’s problems: weak national leadership, eroding rule of law, HIV/AIDS and protracted tribal conflict. Warring militias use rape as a weapon of war and perpetrate other human rights violations. Children are stolen, forced to become soldiers…

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Transforming Lives and Agriculture- a Story from Mozambique

Out of the five farmers’ groups in Massingir West, Mozambique, the Chinhangane group was by far the least successful. Aside from one strong harvest in 2010, the group suffered through years of poor growth and broken relationships. Like the weeds that tangled their rows of overgrown crops, conflict and division choked any hope of improving…

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