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Your Family is Coming: The Long Road to Reunion for Refugees

Your Family is Coming

Everyday, people like Ibrahim make the painful decision to leave their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and climate-related factors. Their journeys are often marked by loss, separation and worry for those left behind.  For ten years, Ibrahim carried the weight of being separated from his family. This is his story of…

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20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

Over the past year, crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine have reminded us of the devastating impacts of war — especially on those forced to flee their homes.  Around the world, a record breaking 100 million people have been forcibly displaced. Of those, 26.6 million are considered refugees, having fled across an international border due to…

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Reflections on Motherhood, Privilege and War

"For All Mothers"

This afternoon my husband built our son a playhouse. Ten minutes was all it took to assemble the basic sand-colored canvas, another ten to fill it with plush blankets and toys. As the sun streamed through our living room window and my husband marveled at the safe, sweet little space he’d built for our son,…

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The Memphis Quilting Bee

Last year, we introduced you to Mary, one of our World Relief Memphis volunteers. She’s been actively involved in our Youth Mentoring Program and she’s spearheading our Resiliency Program, which empowers women by teaching them the hard and soft skills necessary to find a job through sewing.   When World Relief Memphis first launched their Resiliency…

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Beyond Civil Rights

As we close out Black History Month, we spoke with a member of the local church, Gashayeneh, about his experience growing up in Ethiopia and moving to the United States in his early twenties.  When Gashayeneh moved to the U.S. in 2005 from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Black history was a seemingly distant topic for…

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Staff Reflections on Black History

At World Relief, we believe in celebrating all people and cultures because we are all made in the image of God. This month, we’re focusing on Black history in honor of Black History Month, from the founding of our country to the Civil Rights Movement to today, and the immigrant and refugee stories that are…

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Making strides with Jordan and J

For privacy purposes, some names have been shortened. Zooming In Ten months ago, Jordan was preparing to meet his 16-year-old mentee and his family for the very first time over Zoom. Unsure of what to expect, he joined the call and listened as our Youth Mentoring Program Coordinator translated and relayed the family’s hopes for…

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