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Peacebuilding and the Evolution of World Relief’s Village Peace Committees

DRC: The Conflict in Context “Conflict spares no one,” writes Cyprien Nkiriyumwami, World Relief Africa Director for Peacebuilding. The context in which he writes is that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). For twenty years the DRC has experienced continuous and brutal conflict, originally a result of the tribal animosities unleashed by the…

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Agents of Peace Amid Despair

by Maggie KonstanskiWorld Relief Middle East Programs Technical and Operations Coordinator Last month, I stood in Iraq while looking out over Syria. My heart was heavy. New challenges emerged by the hour and all of our efforts felt insufficient when compared to the immense and ever-growing needs. As I stood in one land and looked…

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Changemakers in Rwanda — A Story of Light Overcoming Darkness

The following post was written by Moses Ndahiro, Country Director for World Relief Rwanda.  Rwanda. A country as magnificent as it is complex. A place of breath-taking beauty, and of an unthinkably violent history. A marvelous land of a thousand hills, still haunted by an eerie morning fog that sits atop the horizon and whispers…

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Half the Sky

The 1MT Kilimanjaro team summited Kilimanjaro on International Women’s Day to honor their sisters who suffer violence in war zones. Editors Note: What follows is an update about One Million Thumbprints from Stephan Bauman, President at World Relief.  Today at dawn, my wife, Belinda and 13 other climbers, summited Mount Kilimanjaro, the rooftop of Africa, in…

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Three Reasons for Waging Peace, Guest Blog by Lynne Hybels

In the early 90s a horrible war took place in Eastern Europe as the former Yugoslavia crumbled. It was a vicious war, complete with ethnic cleansing and atrocious crimes against humanity. Soldiers would enter a village, rape all the women, and take away all the men and boys over thirteen.  Most of them never returned…

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So Much Happening in Twenty-Thirteen…

by Larissa Peters, World Relief Communications Liaison I don’t know about you, but I have an especially good feeling about 2013. I admit, I keep a journal, and on the first of every year, I wonder what will fill its pages. The same is true in managing this blog – what will be the stories,…

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