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The Current State of Refugee Resettlement in the U.S.

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Susan Sperry, Executive Director of World Relief Dupage Aurora, has worked within refugee resettlement for over 15 years. Susan says, “The shocking thing is that many refugees we work with now have been displaced far longer than I have done this work. They are the true experts on the realities of displacement and resettlement, and…

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Transforming Lives and Communities Through the Local Church

For years governments and humanitarian organizations have poured money and effort into global aid. With the state of our world today, it’s no wonder people ask, “What has this accomplished? Is there a better way?” Over seven decades, World Relief has operated in more than 110 countries alongside governments and other humanitarian organizations. Over these…

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When God Makes All things New

For Christians around the world, Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the promise that God is making all things new. World Relief’s mission to empower the church to stand with the vulnerable flows directly from the belief that God can change people’s lives physically, emotionally and spiritually, and that God can also change…

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Separating Fact from Fear in the Refugee Ban

[The following post was written by Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief.] In today’s connected world, the rapid dispersion of half-truths—and even blatant lies—is disturbing. This is especially true as it relates to the discussion around the ban of refugees to the United States. As Christians, we should care about this. If truth is malleable,…

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UPDATED: 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Show Support for Refugees

Over the past few days, we’ve seen an outpouring of responses to the resources we have provided on how to stand in solidarity with refugees. During this critical time, your efforts mean the world. Here’s an updated list of ways you can show support for refugees right now: 1. AdvocateSign this petition expressing your support…

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How to Advocate on Behalf of Refugees

Your voice is needed now more than ever. On Friday, January 27, the new presidential administration issued an executive order that suspends the Refugee Resettlement Program for 120 days, cuts the United States’ current commitment to refugee arrivals by over half, and bans Syrian refugee arrivals for an indefinite period of time (with other nationalities potentially…

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A Letter to President Trump on Executive Order on Refugees

Dear President Trump and Vice President Pence, As evangelical Christians, we are guided by the Bible to be particularly concerned for the plight of refugees, individuals who have been forced to flee their countries because of the threat of persecution. Evangelical churches and ministries have long played a key role in welcoming, resettling, and assisting…

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CHURCH LEADERS: A Call to Prayer for Refugees and Immigrants

For the better part of my life in ministry, churches, including that ones I have served in, have taken the very reasonable view that they should not dive into politics. Politics are divisive. Political rhetoric eschews with “alternative facts,” and our role as church leaders is to extend welcome to anyone seeking the grace of…

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Changemakers in the U.S. — Love is Our Mission

The Changemaker series features stories from our work around the world.  It is our hope that these stories will inspire, encourage, and enrich you. The following post was written by Emily Gray, SVP of U.S. Ministries, World Relief. Over the last year, the word ‘refugee’ has come to symbolize much of the fear, uncertainty, and division plaguing our…

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