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“World Relief Cup” Raises Support for Refugee Resettlement Services

In recognition of World Refugee month in June, World Relief Western Washington is hosting the inaugural World Relief Cup soccer tournament to celebrate the resilience and contributions of local refugees. The tournament begins at 9 a.m. and the championship games occur at 6:00 p.m. The final awards ceremony and celebration will take place at 7:30…

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Thurston County Hosts “From Home to Home” Refugee Resettlement Simulation Event

From Home to Home is an experiential exhibit that builds understanding around the crisis of forced displacement. Refugees and asylees face many challenges and difficult decisions along their journey to resettlement. From Home to Home simulates these decision points and common difficulties in a walk-through exhibit. Our staff will guide you through the exhibit, help debrief the experience, and facilitate a debrief time over snacks and hot drinks.

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Work at World Relief

Work at World Relief

For many of us, the last few years have been characterized by a deep sense of chaos, uncertainty and injustice. As suffering across the globe appears to be worsening, you’ve likely asked yourself, how can I respond in a meaningful way?  You’ve likely thought about your career path and wondered how you can make an…

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The Church in Congo

By James Misner and Marcel Serubungo In the Democratic Republic of Congo, some say that you can find all of Africa’s problems: weak national leadership, eroding rule of law, HIV/AIDS and protracted tribal conflict. Warring militias use rape as a weapon of war and perpetrate other human rights violations. Children are stolen, forced to become soldiers…

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Rwanda, Full of Heroes

Twenty years ago this month, a systemic and insidious darkness took hold of Rwanda. Conflict arising from post-World War Western interests manifested itself in the genocidal slaughter of as many as 1 million people. The wound is healing, but it is also spreading, reaching across borders into sister nations Burundi and the Congo. Since 1995,…

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A Hero in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the second largest country in Africa, home to more than 70 million people and over 250 tribes and languages. It shares a border with eight countries, playing an essential role in the economic and social development across the continent. Its unique rainforest and river ecosystems, fertile grounds and…

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Happy International Women’s Day!

Today on International Women’s Day and every day, we are proud to empower vulnerable women around the world with opportunities, skills, resources and a strong sense of their inherent dignity and worth. Women are often marginalized in many ways, sometimes lacking access to the most basic services. We know that the women we serve possess…

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