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World Relief Sponsors Side Event to Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom to Urge the Restoration of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program

Today, World Relief, HIAS, The Episcopal Church, the National Association of Evangelicals and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS) cosponsored an official congressional briefing as a side event to the State Department’s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.

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Stories from the Border: Amos

As a member of an ethnic English-speaking minority in Cameroon, Amos was a teacher who once attended a meeting advocating for his people’s right to vote and better government representation.

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5 Ways You Can Help

Last week, we learned that vulnerable children and families are being detained in inadequate facilities and threatened with deportation. If you’re like us, you believe that families belong together, and that this is a grave injustice that we must fight back against. As Christians, and as Americans.

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