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Life Across Borders: What Does the Bible Say About Immigration?

Immigration, mass displacement and refugee resettlement are complex issues. At the heart of these issues, though, are women, men and children who are made in the image of God and long to live flourishing lives. In this monthly series from World Relief, gain a global and a biblical perspective on the subject of immigration, diving…

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Rebuilding Dreams

Meet Medina! She’s 17, has learned four languages, and her dream is to be an English teacher. Her family is from the Afar people group of East Africa, and they were forcibly displaced from Eritrea to Ethiopia when Medina was a little girl. When she arrived in the U.S. in 2018, it was the second time she started learning a new country and new language. “When I went from Eretria to Ethiopia, it was a…

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H.O.M.E. Program

Through the H.O.M.E. Program, we at World  Relief are partnering together with you – the church and community – to come along side asylum seekers by providing housing and community support. The program’s priorities are in the name: Housing, Opportunity, Mutuality, and Empowerment. Join us on Thursday June 3rd to learn more about the program…

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Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, we want to wish all of our mothers, in all stages of life, a Happy Mother’s Day. We know that motherhood is a blessing, but it’s not without its trials. For many of our families, mothers have made immense sacrifices for their children. Today, we honor and thank you for all that…

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I was Only Thinking of My Kids

Four years ago, Maryam and her kids were in a much different situation than today. The family left their home in Dahok, Iraq the year ISIS took over Mosul (50 miles to the south) and killed thousands of Yazidi people in Sinjar (a hundred miles to the west). Maryam didn’t share the details of their departure or why her husband…

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Reyna’s Story

Your gift gives back   “At the beginning of this pandemic, everything we were doing as an EMT became 10 times harder.”  Twenty-six-year-old Reyna has been working as an EMT and front-line worker throughout the Covid-19 crisis. It is hard to imagine her small frame lifting grown men from a third-floor apartment down the stairs to the…

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What Can I do Now?

Empathy and Skill “I’ve never been a refugee,” says Jenny Park, “but I feel like we all have moments where you feel like you don’t belong anywhere. For me, it was feeling emotionally displaced sometimes while growing up as an immigrant.”  Jenny joined World Relief as a volunteer tutor in the summer of 2020. Having immigrated to…

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