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How to Love Sacrificially

Greetings!  Recently some members of my church reminded me what it means to love sacrificially. One of them would travel 90 minutes one-way to the church every week. When I asked why she didn’t find a church closer to home, she responded “I know I need to love God by loving this church and the people in it.…

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Let’s Learn About: Refugees

We are reflecting this month on Independence Day and the freedom that has attracted people to the United States. At World Relief Memphis, we often reflect on America as a country of immigrants and displaced persons. Throughout the generations, people have immigrated to the U.S. and established new lives. That continues today! Refugees are just…

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A Welcoming Community: Tara’s Volunteer Story

At World Relief we believe in the power of welcoming communities. Read how Tara participates in a welcoming community. When the Taliban took over Kabul Tara saw many news reports about Afghans fleeing the country. The stories of families needing new homes inspired her to want to make a difference in her own community and…

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Building a Cross-Cultural Relationship as a Volunteer

Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or just starting out, Whitney Renfroe agrees that uncertainty can often accompany a cross-cultural relationship. After all, Whitney is no stranger to helping immigrants. During her college years, this occupational therapist spent a summer month in Greece serving and walking alongside refugees. And it’s the passion that brought her to…

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Being a Person of Peace this Lenten Season

Friends, As we approach Easter, I am reflecting on the life of Jesus. His time of ministry has had the greatest resounding impact ever known, changing this world over the past 2000 years. I am grateful for the obedience of Jesus to the will of the Father and I am struck by how much God…

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Hope in the Tension of Waiting

Dear Church Leaders, The peace of Christ to you! Advent is in full swing—and Christmas is around the corner. What feelings does this season stir in you and your congregation—excitement, sorrow, joy, stress? Rhythms change a bit this time of year, freeing many of us up to gather with loved ones. Personally, I am really…

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Honoring our Immigrant Neighbors

For the Lord’s sake be subject to every human authority, whether to the emperor as supreme or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish. As servants…

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Image Before Immigrant

Quad Cities staff welcoming new arrivals.

Earlier this year, for the first time on record, the number of forcibly displaced people in the world hit 100 million. What that means is that one in every 78 people on Earth is displaced from their home as a result of war, violence, famine, and human rights violations each day. We’ve welcomed over 3,500…

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How to Have Impact as a Volunteer Tutor

volunteer tutor

The volunteer tutors at World Relief have a superpower: they know how to bring out the unique gifts of each student to help them grow. Here’s one tutor used a child’s passion to overcome his fears so he could flourish.

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