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Savings for Life – Empowering the Poor in Rwanda

Rwanda is a small country with one of the highest population densities in Africa (USAID, 2013). It is also one of the poorest countries, but it has made significant progress since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi that killed nearly 800,000 people (USAID, 2013). Poverty has dropped from 56.7 percent in 2006 to 44.9 percent…

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World Relief in Fort Worth: A Refugee’s Final Destination

When refugees enter the United States, they are still a long way from their “finaldestination.” Arrival marks the beginning of physical, social, financial, relational and spiritual challenges that threaten this vulnerable population’s ability to be self-sufficient in an unfamiliar culture. World Relief in Fort Worth is empowering the local Church to meet the holistic needs of…

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Child Care Centers are Vital for Malawian Orphans and Vulnerable Children

In the United States, where about 91 percent of children are covered under some form of health insurance (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011) and have access to health and social services, it can be difficult to acknowledge the stark, contrasting conditions for children in countries like Malawi. There, poverty, food insecurity, HIV/AIDS prevalence and weak social…

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Today, HIV is my responsibility

In 2010, Disfol Wenda lived on the streets but participated in a Youth Retreat with Park Street Church. Since then, he has become actively involved in World Relief Mobilizing For Life project, and serving as a Volunteer Trainer for the last six months. He is currently learning English in a local college in Jayawijaya, and…

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Choosing Life in Rwanda

In October 2012, one of our Church Partners, Bethany Community Church in Washington State worked with World Relief and the local church in Rwanda to organize a community event. This event called “Choose Life” used songs, sketches, poems, dramas and soccer games to teach youth about HIV prevention. One of the Rwandan youth attending shares…

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For the first time…

By Emily Roenigk, intern with World Relief in Baltimore, shares her new perspective: Last year, I could have counted on one hand the number of times I had thought about the concept of global justice. I had never looked beyond my own privileges to desire restoration for a world that is broken in ways I…

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A New Hope for Elube

  In the Mzimba District in Malawi, the local church is making a difference in its communities. One member, Elube Makwakwa, is part of the St. Joseph Support Group for those living with HIV/AIDS. In January, she lost her 45 year old son and is now taking care of her grandchildren. She has faced many…

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The same Gospel story

Each summer, US Church Partners take summer ministry trips to Cambodia. Taylor Strickland from Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN, a long time Church Partner with World Relief, shares a bit about her experience: On the sixth day of our time in Phnom Penh, I and another member were able to go on a field…

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Together we can stop HIV

Debbie Dortzbach is Senior Health Advisor at World Relief and has spent 16 years with us. Here she shares how it’s possible to achieve the unbelievable:In the next 1,000 days we can stop HIV from infecting babies—worldwide!  Unbelievable. This is the goal set by a task force from UNAIDS and the United States Office of …

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