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Recycling to Beauty: Un/Plastic Project

Ibu Aci is an Indonesian woman who is part of World Relief”s up-cycling program in Indonesia. This program, The Un/Plastic Project, teaches women to turn their plastic waste into beautiful products and income.Here in her own words, she shares how she gained confidence and pride in her work: Fifty percent of Indonesia’s population lives on…

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A Heart of Acceptance

One widow’s story exemplifies the  transformative results of World Relief’s work through the local church in Malawi. Chrissy shares how she not only came to accept her HIV positive status but is now helping others do the same. My name is Chrissy Ng’ombe. I am 38 years old, mother of 5 children and a widow…

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The Sounds of Cambodia

This summer, Caroline Macon, served in Cambodia on Bent Tree Bible Fellowship’s summer team. They and other  US Church Partner teams taught English and photography to local staff, helping tell the story of the work of the church and World Relief in Cambodia. During my first car ride in Cambodia, from the airport to a…

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We are a 1 1/2 weeks away from the start of RIDE/365. The team has been training daily for the last six months, with their recent 45 mile bike ride taking them through scenic northern Baltimore County. Kris Bailey is part of the crew and heads up Women Who Stand/Baltimore.  She visited Cambodia last January…

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Preventing, Not Just Treating, HIV/AIDS Must Be Our Priority

by Joanna Mayhew “The cusp of the end of AIDS.” That was theme echoed repeatedly at the International AIDS Conference last week in Washington, DC. The enthusiasm was palpable. The 23,767 participants from 183 countries represented the best minds addressing the epidemic around the world. Optimism abounded regarding the new era of using “treatment as…

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Changing the Tide Together: The AIDS Crisis in 2012

I often think about Mweni—the quiet three-year-old child of Ruth who was dying of AIDS when I first met her in Kenya in 1993.  Thinking the exposure to a dying parent would be too difficult for Mweni, her aunties usually kept her away. But Ruth begged her to come every day to see her and…

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Photography from South Sudan

Our friend and photographer, Kate Magee, recently traveled with us to South Sudan. And if you asked her how the trip went, I am sure you would be asked to mark off a date on your calendar for coffee and many stories of long car rides, laughing mothers, and photo sessions under the hot Sudanese…

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A Glimpse of South Sudan

It felt a little bit like trespassing, walking up to the clinic in Mirmir, but the gate was open, so we showed ourselves around.  The neat U-shaped facility had four or five rooms on a single level; and staring through the keyholes of the locked doors, I could tell that some were consultation rooms, some…

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Remembering Pastor Salabarria

by Tom Willey, first director of World Relief – Miami, opened in 1980 There is a name that should never be forgotten in the history of the Miami Office of World Relief: Manuel B. Salabarria.  He was God’s man for the time.  On May 5th 1980, I was asked to open the Miami Office of…

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We are still human beings

by Lynne HybelsIt is Sunday morning before church. If we left Congo today, we would feel that we have received what we were meant to receive on this trip. Undoubtedly, we will receive more in the days to come, but it will all be bonus. Yesterday, we fell into the pure center of why we…

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