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What’s Happening in Sudan?

On Saturday, April 15, 2023, heavy fighting broke out between two military forces, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). While the fighting started in Khartoum, Sudan’s capital city, it has since spread throughout the country causing food, fuel and water shortages in some areas. It’s been one year, since the war…

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They Unpaved a Parking Lot and put up Paradise Plots- Article from Seattle Refined

Nestled in 1.5 acres of a de-paved parking lot in Kent, World Relief’s Paradise Parking Plots is a flourishing community garden, complete with 50 garden plots, rain gardens, cisterns and restoration areas. Community members come together to grow food, share gardening tips and foster this vibrant green space. In 2016, World Relief Western Washington, an organization that welcomes…

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Morella: Venezuelan Hospitality

Morella demonstrates how to make arepas.

by Kallie Kohl, World Relief intern Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead. Walk beside me… Just be my friend. –Albert Camus At World Relief Spokane, a delicious smell drifting through the offices hints that golden-brown rounds of fried corn dough with melted cheese…

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Bob’s Volunteer Story

Bob has always had a passion and a heart for the refugees in his community. When approached to volunteer serving as an English conversation partner he didn’t hesitate. Read Bob’s story and learn how serving his community led to a true friendship. By Kelsey Whaley

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How Climate Change is Impacting Health and Nutrition in Rwanda

Poor communities are often on the frontlines of battling climate change. Many depend on climate-related industries like farming for food and livelihoods, and when climate disasters strike — whether flooding, drought, violent storms or extreme temperatures — there’s little economic margin to rebuild and adapt.   While the economic effects of climate instability are severe among…

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This Year’s Volunteer Spotlights

In celebration of Volunteer Appreciation Week, we asked some of our volunteers to share why they believe volunteering with World Relief QC is important to them and their communities. We hope their responses inspire you to get involved in your own community. Next week is Volunteer Appreciation Week, and we want to celebrate our amazing…

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What is Resettlement

The Joys and the Challenges. “The most rewarding part of being a case manager at World Relief is watching the face of a family member reuniting with a loved one — where their whole face demonstrates joy and they embrace each other, having not known for sure whether they would ever be given this chance”…

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Building a Cross-Cultural Relationship as a Volunteer

Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or just starting out, Whitney Renfroe agrees that uncertainty can often accompany a cross-cultural relationship. After all, Whitney is no stranger to helping immigrants. During her college years, this occupational therapist spent a summer month in Greece serving and walking alongside refugees. And it’s the passion that brought her to…

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Interview with Office Director: Tami McLaughlin

How did you start working at World Relief?  I was the director of missions at a local church outside of Atlanta and we partnered with World Relief for a short-term mission trip. We went to Clarkston, Georgia, and I think it has the largest number of languages spoken in one square miles in the United…

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