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A Model for Corporate Partnership: GForce Life Sciences

At World Relief Chicagoland, we love working with partners in a holistic way especially when we share the core value of serving people in vulnerable situations. A holistic partnership is about more than writing a check (though it is one way to make an impact).  It involves mobilizing people in your company to engage in…

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Celebrating International Mother Language Day

Celebrating Mother Language Day

Perhaps like me, you were surprised and intrigued to learn that International Mother Language Day (IMLD) is a global celebration. First proclaimed in 1999 by UNESCO, the goal of the day is “to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.” This year, the theme of IMLD is about the use of technology in language education.   From…

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7 Ways to Love Your Neighbor

In Rwanda we have a saying — “Ifuni ibagara ubucuti ni akarenge.” This literally means, “a hoe that cultivates friendship is a foot.” In other words, we love our neighbor by visiting them and helping if they need anything.  No matter where you live, loving your neighbor is an integral part of our call as…

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Spreading Kindness and Warmth

Random acts of kindness can completely transform someone’s day. They inspire us to go out into the world, give, and become part of something greater than ourselves. Here’s how Riley makes a difference. A career in giving back When not going to concerts or hanging out with her two cats and pet snake, Riley Vaughan…

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Cozy Recipes for Winter from 5 Different Cultures

It’s February, and for those of us in Chicago, that means frigid winter temperatures. Winter means brisk walks breathing in the cold winter air and snow days spent bundled up indoors. These cold, dark months feel like the perfect excuse to get cozy. And when I think of cozy, I think of hot drinks. I…

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Staff Reflections on Black History

At World Relief, we believe in celebrating all people and cultures because we are all made in the image of God. This month, we’re focusing on Black history in honor of Black History Month, from the founding of our country to the Civil Rights Movement to today, and the immigrant and refugee stories that are…

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Welcoming the Welcomers: One Afghan’s Journey to the U.S.

Welcoming the Welcomers: One Afghan’s Journey to the U.S.

As World Relief continues to resettle Afghans who were evacuated from Afghanistan, we are reminded that resettlement often comes with both grief and gratitude.  For Afghans like David, resettling in North Texas has been an immense gift of safety, security and community. And yet, he feels the heartache of leaving his home and extended family…

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Early Childhood Development Centers Help Care for the Caregivers

Early Childhood Development Centers Help Care for the Caregivers

The first five years of a child’s life provide critical building blocks for lifelong development. Young children thrive when they receive intentional early learning opportunities and have parents who are equipped to care for them through responsive and playful parenting. However, for many families facing adversity, their child’s development may be hindered when one or…

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