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What Can I do Now?

Empathy and Skill “I’ve never been a refugee,” says Jenny Park, “but I feel like we all have moments where you feel like you don’t belong anywhere. For me, it was feeling emotionally displaced sometimes while growing up as an immigrant.”  Jenny joined World Relief as a volunteer tutor in the summer of 2020. Having immigrated to…

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Systems Change in Seattle

As World Relief Seattle’s Executive Director and an immigrant myself, I have seen the razor-thin line between security and insecurity that many immigrants experience. Never was this more clear to me than this year, as our office rallied to serve those hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic wore on last year, we…

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Everything You Need to Know About Unaccompanied Minors at the Border Part 1

A Conversation with Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang This week, we’re seeing news reports of another “crisis” at the U.S.-Mexico border, particularly related to children, or ‘unaccompanied minors.’ What’s actually happening? What should be happening? And what can followers of Jesus who care about vulnerable children do? Here, World Relief’s President, Scott Arbeiter, sits down…

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World Relief Condemns Anti-Asian Violence

March 17, 2021 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE — In the devastating wake of the Atlanta-area spa shootings that occurred yesterday evening, World Relief adamantly decries the violence committed against the eight victims who were killed, six of whom were Asian and all but one of whom were women. While some details relating to the current…

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Internship highlights the best of both worlds

Spring intern Madiha on the Memphis bridge.

“I grew up in a community of immigrants. Sometimes those immigrants were refugees that had to flee for various reasons, so I’ve always been interested in it,” said Madiha, one of our spring 2021 interns.   A daughter of Pakistani immigrants, Madiha knows what it’s like to grow up with two cultures, or, as she would put it, the…

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Every day World Relief staff and volunteers are invited into stories. We are challenged to recognize the nuanced image of God in each person we serve, and remember that their stories stretch far beyond the boundaries of words like “immigrant, refugee, asylum-seeker.” The posts in this section—voiced in first-person, too long for social media, and lightly edited—extend that invitation to you.In this post we meet Medina. She’s 17, has learned four…

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