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WRM Internship Introduced Diverse Experiences, Skills, and Opportunities

Kristen Morris heard about World Relief during her time at Rhodes College. As a member of their City Link program, she volunteered in the Memphis community during three years of her college career.  Her first year was spent in an elementary school, but after exploring her international studies major further, she wanted to shift her…

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Evangelical Anti-Trafficking, Humanitarian and Denominational Organizations Petition Ivanka Trump to Protect Vulnerable Children

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** August 24, 2020 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – Today, leaders from World Relief, International Justice Mission, World Vision U.S., Bethany Christian Services, the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the National Latino Evangelical Coalition and various other…

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COVID and the Issues: Gender-Based Violence

COVID and the Issues: Gender-based Violence

An estimated 243 million women and girls around the world have been subjected to sexual and/or physical violence by an intimate partner in the last 12 months. Experts warn that this number is likely to increase dramatically as security, health and money worries heighten stress within homes, and confined living conditions place women at heightened…

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Are We Becoming a Nation of Closed Doors?

Last month, World Relief published a report in collaboration with Open Doors USA. This report explores how persecuted Christians and the U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum process have been impacted by recent changes in immigration policy. The report found that since 2015, the number of persecuted Christians resettled in the U.S. has dropped by nearly…

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COVID and the Issues: Food Security & Nutrition

Last month, Oxfam projected that the number of people experiencing crisis-level hunger could reach 270 million in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic – an increase of over 80%. The number is shocking.  Today, in the fifth of our six-week series, COVID and the Issues, we’re talking with Prava Chhetri and Rafael Flores,…

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Both Can Be True

Several months ago, a counselor said something that has stuck with me. She told me, “Both can be true.” I have held onto these words in the past few months as a tangible way to remind myself of the tension and the reality in our day-to-day world. For the past couple years, my husband and…

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The Church is Divided Over Racial Justice. But It Shouldn’t Be.

Rejection and Division In 1915, as famed baseball player-turned-evangelist Billy Sunday prepared for a Washington, D.C. crusade, Black Presbyterian Pastor Francis J. Grimké wrote to him, urging him to decry racism among other sins. Sunday never replied, and Grimké, like generations of Black Christians after him, lamented Sunday and so many other white ministers, “claiming…

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Grieving through service

The following reflection was written by World Relief Seattle intern, Katherine Abdallah. Katherine joined the team at World Relief during the pandemic, and spent her time assisting the Resettlement Team by scheduling appointments, helping tutor English, building study tools for the citizenship test, and otherwise assisting with the resettlement process under extraordinary circumstances. “If you…

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COVID and the Issues: U.S. Programs

World Relief currently operates local offices in 18 cities across the United States. Our teams are committed to helping new immigrants thrive by providing vital services and building communities of love and welcome. In addition to case management, our U.S. offices offer English language classes, job training and placement programs, legal services, youth mentoring, mental…

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World Relief Responds to New DHS Memo Regarding DACA, Urges Congressional Action

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** July 29, 2020CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE – Today, the Trump Administration issued a memo that, for the moment, allows recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to continue to renew their DACA protections and work authorization, while reducing the validity of each renewal to one year (from two) and restricting new…

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