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Refugee Resettlement & Immigration

Together, we can give hope to refugees and other immigrants around the world.


Refugee Resettlement & Immigration

Together, we can give hope to refugees and other immigrants around the world.

Today, over 110 million people around the world have been forced to leave their home. Over 43 million of these people are children. Whether driven from their homes by persecution, conflict, or violence, these families are fleeing for their lives, praying for their safety and desperately seeking refuge. If you're like us, you believe that everyone deserves a place to call 'home'. You believe that families and young children deserve safety and security. And you want to do something to help. The good news is, you can.


When you give today, you help us:


Provide Humanitarian Assistance

We work with local partners to meet refugees at their first point of safety, providing emergency aid to families living in temporary shelters - including clean water, food, tarps, hygiene kits and other essential items.

Restore Hope

Alongside local partners, we provide trauma counseling, mother and parent groups, immigration legal services, and safe spaces for refugee and immigrant children to learn, grow and play.

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Rebuild Futures

As refugees and immigrants begin to rebuild their homes and lives, we help families find housing, learn English, access immigration legal services, pursue employment, build friendships and create long-term support systems.
A father with his children participate in an ESL class with World Relief in Texas.

Rebuild Futures

As refugees and immigrants begin to rebuild their homes and lives, we help families find housing, learn English, access immigration legal services, pursue employment, build friendships and create long-term support systems.

For over 80 years, we've been coming alongside families displaced by violence, poverty and injustice-both in the U.S. and across the world.  We operate with interconnected solutions and wrap-around care that has true power to create change that lasts.


Never before has this work been more important-but we cannot do it without your help.

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Donate Now

Your generosity makes a transformative and lifelong impact. When you give, you'll join our family of passionate changemakers committed to changing our world.


Get Involved

Find out more about how you can join us in serving our immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters.


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Learn More

Want to deepen your understanding of refugee resettlement? Take this free course by World Relief.


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