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How To Create Change That Lasts

It was a late afternoon in 2017 when we pulled up in front of the giant structure. Eight hours of driving off-road through rock, sand and empty riverbeds had left our team sore and tired, yet the sight alone was enough to shake us from our weariness. In front of us, upon the western shore…

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Share the Gift Pt. 2: Paying it Forward to Empower Women in Turkana

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. We invite you to share-the-gift by paying it forward alongside women in Turkana County.  Earlier this month you heard about a powerful share-the-gift project in Karebur Village, Turkana. 500 miles north, in Kachoba Village, another share-the-gift project is also taking root.  This time, it’s combating malnutrition while empowering women to take…

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Attending to God’s Creation

Turkana Kenya

The climate change crisis has real impact. At World Relief, we see the effects of this directly in our work as climate change shifts long-term weather patterns, bringing more destructive climatic events. This especially impacts the poorest of the world’s countries. Food and water insecurity and environmental disasters have forced migration and increased conflicts and violence all across the developing world.

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The Path to Lasting Change

Change isn’t easy, and it isn’t fast. Change shows up day after day, month after month, year after year. The path to change requires faithfulness, consistency and a commitment to going the distance — no matter how far or how long it takes.  I remember the day our team pulled up to the abandoned factory…

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Voices from the Field: COVID-19

Over the last several months, our International Country Directors have recorded video messages to update us on how things are going for their teams and beneficiaries and to encourage those of us living in the U.S. In times like these, we are grateful for technology that keeps us connected as we weather this pandemic together. …

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Toward a Vision for Gender Equality in Kajiado, Kenya

At the southern edge of the former Rift Valley province, just south of the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, lies Kajiado, a mountainous region with vast valleys of open space where zebra, giraffe and wildebeest roam. Spread throughout the diverse countryside are communities of the Maasai people — a people known for their brightly colored clothing…

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