Posts by chicagoland
Impact Report: Key Metrics from the 2021 Year in Review
This year, the World Relief Chicagoland community continues walking alongside immigrants and refugees throughout Chicagoland by providing vital services through a community of staff, volunteers, church partners, grant funders, business leaders, and other individuals. In 2021, we remembered the African proverb: To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together. These words inspired the…
Read MoreVideo: We Believe the Church Can Change the World
Watch a video with reasons why we at World Relief believe in the power of the Church to show the love of Jesus Christ to the world.
Read More8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis
Over the last week, our hearts have been broken as we watch images of mothers and children fleeing Ukraine while their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers stay behind to fight. Indiscriminate violence is placing innocent lives in danger, with reports already indicating a tragic loss of life. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are beginning to…
Read MoreFinally, I’m Home: Raphael’s Story of 8 Years Waiting for Resettlement
Watch Raphael tell his story of waiting for resettlement and joyfully coming to the United States after eight years.
Read MoreWatch this Family Reunite After 9 Years Apart
Why Family Reunification is Needed Can you imagine fleeing your home? And not just leaving behind your community. Becoming separated from your family too. Sadly, the circumstances that push refugees from their homes often separate families. And this creates countless hardships. Sometimes there are tragic consequences. The loss has a lasting emotional impact that affects…
Read MoreThree Stories of Welcoming Refugees Across the U.S.
Did you know that World Relief Chicagoland is just one office location among 17 other U.S. offices of World Relief? As we welcome refugees and serve immigrants throughout the Chicago area, we know that across the country, other offices are doing their part to welcome new arrivals to their cities! Each shares a vision for…
Read MoreNew Opportunity in the U.S.: Jenny’s Story
Watch Jenny tell her story of being a refugee with big dreams who came to the U.S. and seized the opportunity of a brighter future.
Read MoreAn Update on How the H.O.M.E. Program Is Serving Asylum Seekers Throughout Chicagoland
The following update is from Hannah Thompson, World Relief Chicagoland’s Immigrant Family Services Volunteer Coordinator who works with staff and community volunteers in the H.O.M.E. program for asylum seekers. What is H.O.M.E.? World Relief Chicagoland created the H.O.M.E. program with the knowledge that asylum seekers are among the most vulnerable immigrants. Like refugees, asylum seekers…
Read MoreReflections on 2021 from Executive Director Susan Sperry
The following letter is from Susan Sperry, World Relief Chicagoland’s Executive Director, who oversees World Relief’s work across three offices in Aurora, Chicago (Albany Park), and DuPage County (Carol Stream) and shared her leadership reflections at the close of 2021. Read more of Susan’s thoughts by following her on Twitter! To all of World Relief…
Read MoreThe Christmas Story and Asylum-Seekers
After the wise men left, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt with Jesus and Mary, his mother. Why? Because Herod was searching for the newborn to kill him (Matthew 2:1-23). The story of Christ’s birth gives us a picture of the holy family fleeing, hiding, and seeking…
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