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Women and Men Leading Together

The Compounding Effects of COVID-19 on Women and Girls

“So God created humankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them;  male and female he created them.”  – Genesis 1:27 In the Beginning In the beginning, God created — God separated the land from the sea; made plants and animals, fish and birds, men and women. When it was finished,…

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Women’s Empowerment Programming is Everywhere

Women's Empowerment Programming is Everywhere.

When people ask us, “Where is World Relief’s women’s empowerment programming?” Our answer is: It’s everywhere. Transforming how men and women live, relate and honor God in their relationships is at the very heart of what we do. We recognize that women and girls don’t exist in isolation. They live, they work and they go…

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From Ukraine to the United States: Bohdan’s Story

From Ukraine to the United States: Bohdan’s Story

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, plunging the nation into violent conflict. This act of war highlights how violence places innocent lives in danger, and we continue to pray for all those affected. In the last 18 years, World Relief has resettled over 13,000 refugees from Ukraine. Many, like Bohdan…

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7 Ways We’re Breaking the Bias

7 Ways We're Breaking the Bias

At World Relief, we imagine a gender-equal world — a world where women are no longer disproportionately affected by global pandemics, and child marriage is no longer an answer to economic hardship; a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination; a world where girls have equal access to education and women’s leadership, experience and expertise…

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Love Rejoices with the Truth

This is a story about a small village in Mzimba, a northern district in the Southern African country of Malawi. It is a story about love and the relentless pursuit of the truth—a truth that has set the village of Jenda free and paved the way for love to flourish.

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Change Unites to Bring Peace and Restoration

Change Unites to Bring Peace

Today, on International Day of Peace, harmony seems hard to find. Friends, families, communities and nations are divided. If you’re like us, your heart aches at the divisions driving disunity, conflict and even war around the world. But we believe God’s heart is for reconciliation — and wherever God is, there is hope.  World Relief…

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Four Ways We Can Improve Our Immigration System

Over the past several months, Americans have been inundated with news and imagery from the U.S.-Mexico border. As policies have shifted, historically high numbers of people have arrived, including many intending to seek asylum in the United States. People often ask me how we, as Christians, should respond to stories like these. We want to…

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Why We Speak

“The ultimate aim of advocacy is to demonstrate the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of God.” – Jenny Yang, World Relief Throughout Scripture, God moves for justice. Time and again, through ordinary people, God brings his vision of justice to a broken world, taking action on behalf of the most vulnerable. He…

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Creation Care in Haiti

A global problem While creation care is one of the core tenets of Christian witness, there is mounting evidence that we, as humans, are failing badly in the responsibility of stewarding our global home. Climates are changing, storms are happening more frequently with more intensity, systems that were once reliable for livelihoods are now becoming…

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An Open Letter

To the people we serve at World Relief, We want to express our unwavering support to you and express our deep grief over the events of last week when a group of rioters attacked the U.S. Capitol. The scenes we all witnessed left us feeling sick and unsettled and were reflective of the divisions that…

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