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5 Ways to Keep Welcoming Afghans

5 Ways to Keep Welcoming Afghans

In August 2021, the U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan, and Kabul fell to the Taliban. Many Afghans who had assisted the U.S. government were left at considerable risk. Since the withdrawal, an estimated 84,600 Afghans have been evacuated to the U.S. Over the last year, people like you have helped us welcome over 330 of…

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Becoming a Friendship Partner

Read the powerful stories of Melanie, a Friendship Partner with World Relief North Texas, who obeyed God’s call to love and serve the most vulnerable. By Kelsey Whaley

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Faithful Immigrants

A grandma reuniting with her grandkids.

A Familiar Passage There’s an important lesson I learned recently when reading through a passage a lot of us are familiar with in Hebrews. When I was growing up we called the passage the “Hall of Faith.” I won’t take the time to write it all down here, but it’s located in Hebrews 11:4-40. When…

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Road-Runner Rodney

What is one of the biggest challenges refugees face when they come to Memphis? Transportation! Access to reliable transportation is crucial for refugees as they are attending English classes, important appointments, and other vital services during their integration journey. The World Relief Road-Runners program exists to serve families and individuals through providing transportation and building…

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Introducing Co-Sponsorship

Here at World Relief Memphis, we believe that entering into relationships with refugees and immigrants are mutually transforming opportunities to bring lasting change to our world. One of the ways we are seeking to foster these relationships is through our new volunteer opportunity: Co-Sponsorship teams. Teams are made up of a group of volunteers who…

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Confronting our Comfort Zones: Q&A with Victor Wallace

By Nathan Spencer // Sometimes, God pulls his servants in directions they are not expecting, often without warning. In these moments, God insists we put aside our fears and lean on our faith in him to direct our steps. After his home church made the difficult decision to dissolve, Victor Wallace and his wife felt…

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Moving Forward with World Relief Durham

This fall, a few of World Relief Durham’s partners shared why they serve with World Relief and what it looks like for their community to move forward together. Here are some of their thoughts: Why World Relief? “They not only serve [the international community] well, but they love it well, and they do it from…

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Servant: Caring for the Immigrant and Refugee

This discipleship video from one of our church partners, The Summit Church, discusses the Biblical command to “welcome the stranger” and offers some practical steps believers can take to follow God’s call, including giving, volunteering, and advocating alongside World Relief Durham. “God commands his people to care for strangers and foreigners, along with the poor,…

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