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Beneath the Chaos Resilience Bloomed: Our Global COVID Response

It was three o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon when Laura Fontaine, Director of World Relief Quad Cities, got the call. A woman in the Congolese community had contracted COVID-19. Shutdowns had already begun across much of the U.S., and World Relief followed suit, closing our offices and suspending all in-person programming. Halfway across the globe,…

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World Relief Malawi’s New Country Director is a Role Model for Girls

World Relief Malawi’s New Country Director is a Role Model for Girls

On an early morning in April, World Relief Malawi staff gathered together in Lilongwe for a socially distanced outdoor ceremony. Staff from abroad called in virtually. Prayers were prayed and speeches were given. The purpose? To welcome Matilda Matitha as the new World Relief Malawi Country Director. Matilda is one of three women who have…

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All My Hope: A Refugee Story

Long Distance Love On the morning of February 17th, Rafia woke up and prepared a feast for the arrival of her husband, Abdinasir. But when an unprecedented snowstorm hit the Mid-south, Abdinasir’s flight was canceled and he got stuck in Chicago. Rafia, however, was undeterred. The next morning, she woke up and cooked another welcome-home…

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The Secret Behind Her Smile

The Secret Behind The Smile

Never Again April 7th marks the beginning of 100 days of commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. This is a special time to remember more than a million people that were murdered because of the way they were created.  It is a time to grieve but also to unite and rebuild…

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How it Started, How it’s Growing: World Relief Sacramento’s Welcome Club

In 2018, World Relief Sacramento volunteers Becca and Luke Voight began connecting with refugee youth at a local park. What started as an informal gathering has now grown into a robust program called The Welcome Club.  The Welcome Club partners with four area elementary schools to serve upwards of 100 students. Itoffers space for immigrant kids to ‘just be…

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