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Making Change for Girls in Malawi

Making Change for Girl's in Malawi

Each year, 12 million girls across the globe are married before the age of 18. Every minute, 23 young girls are married off, putting their personal development and wellbeing at risk.  That’s 12 million girls — 12 million dreamers and artists, future doctors, teachers and community leaders — whose opportunity for childhood and education has…

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Rwanda Responds to COVID-19

It’s been a difficult season here in Rwanda. Like many places around the world, Rwanda experienced a total lockdown from mid-March to mid-May as cases of COVID-19 began sprouting up in communities across our country. Today, though some communities have begun to reopen, things have not completely returned to normal. Most church buildings are still…

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COVID and the Issues: Gender-Based Violence

COVID and the Issues: Gender-based Violence

An estimated 243 million women and girls around the world have been subjected to sexual and/or physical violence by an intimate partner in the last 12 months. Experts warn that this number is likely to increase dramatically as security, health and money worries heighten stress within homes, and confined living conditions place women at heightened…

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Are We Becoming a Nation of Closed Doors?

Last month, World Relief published a report in collaboration with Open Doors USA. This report explores how persecuted Christians and the U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum process have been impacted by recent changes in immigration policy. The report found that since 2015, the number of persecuted Christians resettled in the U.S. has dropped by nearly…

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COVID and the Issues: Food Security & Nutrition

Last month, Oxfam projected that the number of people experiencing crisis-level hunger could reach 270 million in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic – an increase of over 80%. The number is shocking.  Today, in the fifth of our six-week series, COVID and the Issues, we’re talking with Prava Chhetri and Rafael Flores,…

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COVID and the Issues: U.S. Programs

World Relief currently operates local offices in 18 cities across the United States. Our teams are committed to helping new immigrants thrive by providing vital services and building communities of love and welcome. In addition to case management, our U.S. offices offer English language classes, job training and placement programs, legal services, youth mentoring, mental…

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COVID and the Issues: Health

Women, men, children and entire communities across the globe have been dramatically impacted by COVID-19. In order to stop the spread of the virus, businesses, land and air transport, as well as essential services, have been forced to lock down.  Without the ability to continue treatment and a six-month disruption in access to antiretrovirals, AIDS-related…

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COVID and the Issues: Child Development and Protection

It is estimated that 85 million more girls and boys may have been exposed to either physical, sexual or emotional violence as a result of COVID-19, and as many as 30 million children’s lives are in danger of secondary health impacts such as exposure to deadly diseases like malaria, lack of immunizations and malnutrition as…

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COVID and the Issues: Economic Development

We know many of you are concerned about how World Relief’s programs and the vulnerable people we serve around the world have been impacted by COVID-19. It’s been reported that 500 million more people could be pushed into extreme poverty as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.  In the first of our six-week video series,…

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COVID and the Issues

It’s been five months since World Relief first began responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our U.S. and International offices closed their physical office locations in March, and our teams began innovating new ways to continue serving the most vulnerable in the U.S. and across the globe. In the coming weeks, we will be sitting down…

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