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A Welcome from Ukraine

I had been to Sea-Tac airport many times before, but this night was different. I was now a World Relief staff member, and for the first time, I was meeting a family resettling in the U.S. after being forced from their home country. The first step was connecting with Ana, the sister of the arriving…

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Welcome to Reciprocal Hospitality

Reciprocal Hospitality

Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with hospitality and solidarity. But how can we do that in a way that puts our immigrant neighbors first rather than pushing them to the fringes of white dominant culture and keeping them as outsiders? That’s exactly the question Karen González explores in Beyond…

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Building a Community of Safety and Belonging

A reflection from World Relief Chicagoland Executive Director Susan Sperry. June is World Refugee Awareness Month. And on June 20th, we celebrate World Refugee Day. This year, the theme of World Refugee Day is focused on the human right to seek safety. Whoever they are, people forced to flee should be treated with dignity. Anyone can…

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Reflections on Motherhood, Privilege and War

"For All Mothers"

This afternoon my husband built our son a playhouse. Ten minutes was all it took to assemble the basic sand-colored canvas, another ten to fill it with plush blankets and toys. As the sun streamed through our living room window and my husband marveled at the safe, sweet little space he’d built for our son,…

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Alexis Dubreuil: Intern Reflection

I’ve always considered it a blessing to have been raised in an environment that exposed me to different types of peoples and cultures. I am one of a lucky few to have this blessing; the potlucks at my churches always presented a beautiful array of food originating from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean,…

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From Welcomed to Welcomer

From Welcomed to Welcomer, Volunteer Appreciation Week

At the end of April, World Relief will celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week, a time to recognize the impact and power of volunteers to “tackle society’s greatest challenges, build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world.”  Last year, World Relief engaged 8,430 volunteers and 873 church partners in the U.S. to welcome…

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Women and Men Leading Together

The Compounding Effects of COVID-19 on Women and Girls

“So God created humankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them;  male and female he created them.”  – Genesis 1:27 In the Beginning In the beginning, God created — God separated the land from the sea; made plants and animals, fish and birds, men and women. When it was finished,…

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Efoe Davis: Resettlement Through the Eyes of a Caseworker

Seattle Blog on Refugee Resettlement

Efoe Davis is a caseworker at World Relief Western Washington in our King County office, who regularly meets with individuals and families as they transition to their new life in the U.S. Here, he shares the joys and challenges of resettlement from his vantage point: The Challenges On December 20, 2021, I greeted a family…

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From Ukraine to the United States: Bohdan’s Story

From Ukraine to the United States: Bohdan’s Story

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, plunging the nation into violent conflict. This act of war highlights how violence places innocent lives in danger, and we continue to pray for all those affected. In the last 18 years, World Relief has resettled over 13,000 refugees from Ukraine. Many, like Bohdan…

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Growing with Gratitude

A word of reflection by Executive Director of World Relief Triad, Rob Cassell. As we begin 2022, two main themes have been constant for the past few months going into the new year. They are gratitude and growth.  Gratitude Both World Relief and our clients have felt incredibly loved by our community.  As we welcomed…

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