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Passport901: Chapli Kabab

As part of Immigrant Heritage Month in June, we partnered up with Choose901 to bring you #Passport901. Throughout the month, we shared recipes from around the world that represent the diverse groups and cultures that have come to call Memphis home. Now, we’re continuing it through the month of July, and today we have a Pakistani dish from one…

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World Relief Celebrates South Sudan’s Ten Year Anniversary of Independence

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

July 9, 2021 CONTACT:Lauren 388-6734 BALTIMORE  – Today, World Relief celebrates the 10th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence. Throughout its first decade of freedom, South Sudan has been on a journey towards unity and prosperity while facing the challenges of civil war, famine, natural disaster and disease. Churches throughout South Sudan have come together…

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Four Ways We Can Improve Our Immigration System

Over the past several months, Americans have been inundated with news and imagery from the U.S.-Mexico border. As policies have shifted, historically high numbers of people have arrived, including many intending to seek asylum in the United States. People often ask me how we, as Christians, should respond to stories like these. We want to…

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A Refugee’s Journey to Belonging: Jerome’s Story

Video of Jerome

**UPDATE TO JEROME’S STORY.** In May of 2022, Jerome graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work!!! We celebrate Jerome and his accomplishments! “What’s going to happen to me? Who’s going to receive me? How am I going to live?” These were all questions asked by World Relief staff member, Jerome Bizimana, featured in…

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Passport901: Maqluba

As part of Immigrant Heritage Month in June, we partnered up with Choose901 to bring you #Passport901. Throughout the month, we shared recipes from around the world that represent the diverse groups and cultures that have come to call Memphis home. Now, we’re continuing it through the month of July, and first up is a dish from…

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Citizenship Game Show

At World Relief, we like to say that the immigration system is like navigating a maze that is also a minefield. There are lots and lots of ways that you can go wrong and irreparably damage your chances to reach your goal of becoming a permanent resident or Citizen of the United States. One aspect…

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Citizenship Classes are Rooted in Community

 “I would say for myself personally, I would not have passed this interview prior to studying or teaching this class,” Habie Timbo said, speaking to the challenges her students face in the process to become U.S. citizens. While most of her time at World Relief Quad Cities is dedicated to her role as a caseworker…

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Grateful to Be a Citizen

Paw Shee loves to read, especially books that teach her about “what happened in the past.” And on her journey to becoming a citizen, citizenship classes became a platform that fueled that desire to learn. “I love to read the books they gave me about U.S. history,” Paw said, emphasizing, “they gave me whole books!” Paw…

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Safety at Last: Francois’ Story

Living in Burundi during the Civil War, Francois spent much of his life in fear. He was constantly immersed in the struggle of “two ethnicities fighting against each other.” In December of 1996, he was relocated to a Tanzanian refugee camp with little access to water or electricity. In the context of all he had…

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Let’s talk about immigration: 8 Podcasts to know

This month, we’re celebrating Immigrant Heritage and World Refugee Day, and we have compiled a list of podcast episodes that discuss the highs and lows of immigrants all over the world to help you get prepared. These podcasts give a first-hand account of life as an immigrant, the circumstances that drove them to seek a…

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