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From Volunteers to Friends through Welcome

Volunteers Nancy Montgomery and Peter Jennings share their journeys as active World Relief Triad partners working to build relationships with Afghan immigrants through producing a message of holistic, sustainable change and welcome to their community. The Journey to Volunteering For Good Neighbor Team members Nancy Montgomery and Peter Jennings, they can trace their desire to…

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Stewarding God’s Grace: Q&A with Andrea Sheldon Tshihamba

Stewarding God's Grace

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” — 1 Peter 4:10 When Andrea first arrived in Durham with her husband four years ago, she left behind a career as an ESL teacher. Burnt out and looking to apply her…

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Alexis Dubreuil: Intern Reflection

I’ve always considered it a blessing to have been raised in an environment that exposed me to different types of peoples and cultures. I am one of a lucky few to have this blessing; the potlucks at my churches always presented a beautiful array of food originating from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean,…

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Impact Report: Key Metrics from the 2021 Year in Review

Impact in 2021

This year, the World Relief Chicagoland community continues walking alongside immigrants and refugees throughout Chicagoland by providing vital services through a community of staff, volunteers, church partners, grant funders, business leaders, and other individuals. In 2021, we remembered the African proverb: To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together. These words inspired the…

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From Welcomed to Welcomer

From Welcomed to Welcomer, Volunteer Appreciation Week

At the end of April, World Relief will celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week, a time to recognize the impact and power of volunteers to “tackle society’s greatest challenges, build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world.”  Last year, World Relief engaged 8,430 volunteers and 873 church partners in the U.S. to welcome…

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14 Years of Volunteering

When Karen first heard of Word Relief in 2008, she thought to herself, “What is that?” Once she realized there was a need for donations, she gathered some towels and home goods left over from her move and brought them to the agency. Karen drove a Volkswagen van. The man who met her at the…

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Partner Spotlight: Greg & Olivia Evans on “Who is my neighbor?”

When their children were school-age and began attending the neighborhood school right around the corner, Greg and Olivia Evans quickly realized something. The students their children were sitting next to in class did not look like them. From a distance, they watched school counselors and teachers meeting the needs of recently resettled refugees. They saw…

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Starting Small

It’s Volunteer Appreciation Month! Here’s to our dedicated volunteers and all the work they do to make a difference in our community. A new role When Leah Lesh learned about the many refugee families living in the Quad Cities through an event at her local church, she realized she needed to help these families any…

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