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World Relief Applauds Announcement by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) To End Title 42, Calls For Functional and Orderly Asylum System Process

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

April 4, 2022 CONTACT:Audrey BALTIMORE – On Friday, the CDC announced that on May 23, it will end Title 42, a policy implemented in March 2020 that allows officials to turn away migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border even if they are seeking asylum. World Relief applauds the ending of Title 42 as it will…

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Making Connections

It’s Volunteer Appreciation Month! Here’s to our dedicated volunteers and all the work they do to make a difference in our community. A new purpose When Trisha Poole heard about the refugees from Afghanistan at the end of last year, she knew she had to help any way she could.     “My heart just yearned…

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Refugee Family Dentistry

It’s Volunteer Appreciation Month! Here’s to our dedicated volunteers and all the work they do to make a difference in our community. An urgent need Craig Peterson knew he had to do something when he and his family learned about the staggering amount of refugee families in the Quad Cities. “My wife was the one…

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The Compounding Effects of COVID-19 on Women and Girls

“The impacts of crises are never gender-neutral, and COVID-19 is no exception.” – UN Women A Pre-Pandemic Issue While the pandemic has touched nearly every corner of the globe, the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on women and children cannot be overstated.  Before the pandemic, women already earned less, had access to fewer social protections and…

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World Relief Welcomes Announcement of Ukrainian Refugee Resettlement and Humanitarian Assistance, Urges Broader Welcome

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

March 24, 2022 CONTACT:Audrey BALTIMORE – Today, President Biden announced a plan to admit as many as 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States as refugees and through other means. In addition, the United States is committing to provide more than $1 billion in new funding towards humanitarian assistance for those affected by Russia’s war in…

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The Memphis Quilting Bee

Last year, we introduced you to Mary, one of our World Relief Memphis volunteers. She’s been actively involved in our Youth Mentoring Program and she’s spearheading our Resiliency Program, which empowers women by teaching them the hard and soft skills necessary to find a job through sewing.   When World Relief Memphis first launched their Resiliency…

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World Relief Welcomes Announcement of Ukrainian Refugee Resettlement and Humanitarian Assistance, Urges Broader Welcome

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

March 24, 2022 CONTACT:Audrey BALTIMORE – Today, President Biden announced a plan to admit as many as 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States as refugees and through other means. In addition, the United States is committing to provide more than $1 billion in new funding towards humanitarian assistance for those affected by Russia’s war in…

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