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An Open Letter

[Summary Letter Here] To the people we serve at World Relief, We want to express our unwavering support to you and express our deep grief over the events of January 6th, when a group of rioters attacked the U.S. Capitol. The scenes we all witnessed left us feeling sick and unsettled and were reflective of…

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A Letter to Our Clients

We at World Relief are sad about the events of Jan 6th at the U.S. Capitol.   We know that many of you may be scared as you saw the violence at the Capitol. This may look like the situation you left behind in your country.  The beliefs seen at the Capitol building are not the…

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An Open Letter

To the people we serve at World Relief, We want to express our unwavering support to you and express our deep grief over the events of last week when a group of rioters attacked the U.S. Capitol. The scenes we all witnessed left us feeling sick and unsettled and were reflective of the divisions that…

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Change: Reimagining the Future for Families

Reimagining the Future for Families

This new year, we’re making space to reimagine the future and build a better world together. In the final post in our Made for Change series, Joanna Kretzer Chun and Debbie Dortzbach recount the way World Relief staff reimagined their approach to HIV prevention.  This reimagining led to the creation of a new program known…

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2020: A Year in Review

Unprecedented. Painful. Chaotic. Uncertain. These are just a few of the words that I’ve heard to describe 2020. It’s true that the hardships and losses of this past year come to mind so easily. Yet, as I look back, so much good has also happened along the way. Hope. Love. Endurance. Generosity. Community.  We saw…

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Internships that inspire and transform

Although Noah Rinehart grew up in Memphis, he had never heard of World Relief and didn’t know much about refugees. But once a community service coordinator at Rhodes College recommended it to him based on similar evangelical beliefs, he was intrigued. He ended up interning for six semesters and the summer of 2017, and the resulting experience…

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When God gives: the story of Ruth and Dieudonne

Ruth and Dieudonne met and got married in the Gihembe Refugee Camp. Both their families found refuge there in 1997. They were there “for too long” – and most of their family is still there. “They don’t have a chance to come. If they had a chance, yes, they would want to come.” Dieudonne and…

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Unseen Hope

Unseen Hope

As we round the corner of 2020 toward the end of the year, we’re bringing you more made-for-change stories from across the World Relief community. Today, Amberle Brown, World Relief’s MEL Advisor and Disability Inclusion Focal Point at World Relief, shares her story of living with a disability and how God is using her experience…

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When Persistence Pays Off

Our refugee women’s English class had been in session for two weeks when they came, a couple from Afghanistan inquiring if there was room for one more. The husband asked if his wife could join too. The class was full, but our instructor added her name to our waitlist and promised to call if anything…

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Loving Patient Care

December 16, 2020 Article by Robert Carroll In this month’s feature, read how an immigrant from Sierra Leone is now using her skill as a nurse, and her compassion for people in need, to help a refugee woman with her years-long health crisis. The name of the patient has been changed for privacy reasons. Life as…

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