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Your Family is Coming: The Long Road to Reunion for Refugees

Your Family is Coming

Everyday, people like Ibrahim make the painful decision to leave their homes due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and climate-related factors. Their journeys are often marked by loss, separation and worry for those left behind.  For ten years, Ibrahim carried the weight of being separated from his family. This is his story of…

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20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

20 Ways to Learn More About Refugees

Around the world, 103 million people have been forcibly displaced from their homes — the highest number in recorded history. Of those, 32.5 million are considered refugees, having fled across an international border due to war, violence, conflict or persecution. That’s millions of mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, teachers, doctors and friends — each…

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From Welcomed to Welcomer

From Welcomed to Welcomer, Volunteer Appreciation Week

At the end of April, World Relief will celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week, a time to recognize the impact and power of volunteers to “tackle society’s greatest challenges, build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world.”  Last year, World Relief engaged 8,430 volunteers and 873 church partners in the U.S. to welcome…

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Welcoming the Welcomers: One Afghan’s Journey to the U.S.

Welcoming the Welcomers: One Afghan’s Journey to the U.S.

As World Relief continues to resettle Afghans who were evacuated from Afghanistan, we are reminded that resettlement often comes with both grief and gratitude.  For Afghans like David, resettling in North Texas has been an immense gift of safety, security and community. And yet, he feels the heartache of leaving his home and extended family…

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Watch this Family Reunite After 9 Years Apart

Why Family Reunification is Needed Can you imagine fleeing your home? And not just leaving behind your community. Becoming separated from your family too. Sadly, the circumstances that push refugees from their homes often separate families. And this creates countless hardships. Sometimes there are tragic consequences. The loss has a lasting emotional impact that affects…

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Three Stories of Welcoming Refugees Across the U.S.

Did you know that World Relief Chicagoland is just one office location among 17 other U.S. offices of World Relief? As we welcome refugees and serve immigrants throughout the Chicago area, we know that across the country, other offices are doing their part to welcome new arrivals to their cities! Each shares a vision for…

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Reflections on 2021 from Executive Director Susan Sperry

The following letter is from Susan Sperry, World Relief Chicagoland’s Executive Director, who oversees World Relief’s work across three offices in Aurora, Chicago (Albany Park), and DuPage County (Carol Stream) and shared her leadership reflections at the close of 2021. Read more of Susan’s thoughts by following her on Twitter! To all of World Relief…

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Moving Forward with World Relief Durham

This fall, a few of World Relief Durham’s partners shared why they serve with World Relief and what it looks like for their community to move forward together. Here are some of their thoughts: Why World Relief? “They not only serve [the international community] well, but they love it well, and they do it from…

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